Updated Last 03 months personal bank statement having sufficient balance.
All other savings and investments ie: fixed deposits, mutual fund, post office deposits, share market holdings etc…
Updated Last 03 months company bank statement.
Last 03 year’s Income Tax Paper (Company & Personal)
If employed, Last 06 Months salary slip, original NOC and Leave Sanction Letter from the employer company and Updated Last 06 months salary account bank statement.
If any students, school or college identity card.
Employment proof, i.e. GST Certificate all pages/Partnership deed/Gumasta Registration/MSME/Professional Tax Certificate/Certificate of Incorporation with memorandum of company etc…
If Applicant is a farmer then require land papers, Mamlatdar Income Certificate and ‘J forms’ is the sale receipt of a farmer’s agricultural produce in mandis (grain market)
Minors, if travelling with one parent or none, NOC is required from the other parent or both parent in the form of an affidavit on a stamp paper and is to be notarized.
Valid Passport
Old Passport, if any.
02 Photos (35mm x 45mm, white background, 80% face, Matt fin ishing).
Covering Letter on Company’s letterhead mentioning the purpose of visit and the date of travelling.
Tour Booking Confirmation
Hotel Booking Confirmations
Day to day itinerary.
Updated Last 03 months personal bank statement having sufficient balance.
All other savings and investments ie: fixed deposits, mutual fund, post office deposits, share market holdings etc…
Updated Last 03 months company bank statement.
Last 03 year’s Income Tax Paper (Company & Personal)
If employed, Last 06 Months salary slip, original NOC and Leave Sanction Letter from the employer company and Updated Last 06 months salary account bank statement.
If any students, school or college identity card.
Employment proof, i.e. GST Certificate all pages/Partnership deed/Gumasta Registration/MSME/Professional Tax Certificate/Certificate of Incorporation with memorandum of company etc
If Applicant is a farmer then require land papers, Mamlatdar Income Certificate and ‘J forms’ is the sale receipt of a farmer’s agricultural produce in mandis (grain market)
Minors, if travelling with one parent or none, NOC is required from the other parent or both parent in the form of an affidavit on a stamp paper and is to be notarized
Valid Passport.
Old Passport, if any.
02 Photos (35mm x 45mm, white background, 80% face, Matt finishing).
Covering Letter on Company’s letterhead mentioning the purpose of visit and the date of travelling, finance support details.
Invitation Letter on Invitee company’s letter head.
Passport copy of the Invitee
Updated Last 03 months personal bank statement having sufficient balance.
All other savings and investments ie: fixed deposits, mutual fund, post office deposits, share market holdings etc…
Updated Last 03 months company bank statement.
Last 03 year’s Income Tax Paper (Company & Personal)
If employed, Last 06 Months salary slip, original NOC and Leave Sanction Letter from the employer company and Updated Last 06 months salary account bank statement.
Employment proof, i.e. GST Certificate all pages/Partnership deed/Gumasta Registration/MSME/Professional Tax Certificate/Certificate of Incorporation with memorandum of company etc…
If Applicant is a farmer then require land papers, Mamlatdar Income Certificate and ‘J forms’ is the sale receipt of a farmer’s agricultural produce in mandis (grain market)